Friday, October 14, 2011

Dreamy Days and Periwinkle Walls

Today is one of those days just meant for day dreaming, hoping, planning and thinking. I woke this morning just feeling inspired. The morning started off cloudy, rainy and the perfect amount of chill in the air. I read some of the Psalms in my bible and had a warm cup of peppermint mocha coffee, it was just so peaceful. The sun seemed indecisive about it's mood. It started off covered by clouds but soon came out from hiding. It's bright rays mixed with the dark clouds and the result was a stunning mixture of dark purple and deep blues with bright golden beams of light shining on the autumn trees. It was just whimsical and beautiful!


I feel inspired to find something new and beautiful and create something lovely. I want to jump in the Jeep and drive! To go somewhere new and undiscovered (undiscovered by us, anyway!).

Actually, I have been wanting to go somewhere different for awhile now. I know we just got back from a wonderful vacation, but let explain when I mean go somewhere.

For 2-3 years now I have been wanting to take a one day road trip in the fall. I would like to drive and go somewhere where hubby and I have never been before. I want to discover some cute little town tucked into some little quite corner of the state. We could just walk around the lazy little town together and be drawn into one of the local coffee shops and have a latte. Ah! Perfection :)

photo credit: Google via pinterest

Then, this is my mission, find some locally made organic soaps and buy a few. I have been wanting some home made soaps for awhile now, but I don't want to get them off the Internet or some chain store. I want hubby and I to discover them someplace! Every item has a story and sometimes you have something simple (like soap) and it reminds you of that story. So yes, that is my plan!
It unfortunately hasn't seemed to work out because I am either pregnant (and not feeling good!) Or am nursing or have a little baby. And, little babies are not very fond of road trips and stops at coffee shops! But this year both of my babies are toddlers so I think we would all enjoy a day out. So hopefully we can plan a day out before the snow comes!

photo credit: unknown on pinterest

Also, I think our home needs some more color. I am going to paint the kitchen periwinkle! Of course, our kitchen is very small and we have to repaint everything white when we move (which could be in several months) so I have held off painting. But, I have not painted the kitchen and it has stayed like that for 3 years now, and I want to look at something just a little prettier so I will paint the little bit of wall above the counter and sink area. I'm not going to freak out about it or the color, Im just going to take a look at the paint samples and the first one that catches my fancy, that's the one I will go with! I'll be sure to post photos. :)

Have a good day everyone and remember to dream and plan something new to do every now and then!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post Meg and great photos. Just got back from Texas :) Road Trips are fun!