Oh happy Day! I love Hoildays and long weekends with the hubby. :) Normally every year we make the trip from here in cold and dreary Wisconsin to my Sis & Brother in law's house in Kentucky, but they ruined everything and moved to Virginia. lol. BUT, this meant that we spent the year with my awesome family for Thanksgiving, so that was a big blessing. Here are a few photos from our day!
I just could not get over how hauntingly beautiful the clouds were. Just perfect!
So, today I am off to see someone who I do not want to see. This person has been mean, harsh, lied to me, made me cry and wrongly accused me. I can't say I'm super looking forward to this meeting. Have you ever seen someone that you have not liked, then later thought of all the mean or biting things you could have said to that person and wish you would have thought of all that before? Well, I have about 20 mean snotty remarks in my mind that just want to burst forth from my mouth.
I mean, I don't want to be horrible, but I am very tempted to say just one remark that I know will hurt. I know I sound like a horrible person, but that's what I am, a person. Unfortunately people by nature can be pretty horrible. But, I know that's one of the reasons why we have Jesus, because we don't have to be overcome by our feelings and emotions.
Now, I have struggled about what I am going to say today to this person. I mean, I know I should be kind. But, surely it's one thing to be kind and loving to your family even if you don't think they deserve it, but what about to someone who just simply really kinda hates you and will willingly lie and purposely try to make things difficult for you? I have cried and gone through a mired of emotions and was struggling with this issue (on what I should say when I see this person) when this song I was listening too just jumped out at me:
I always reprimand sinners. Wonder when did I forget that...
God in me loves, He doesn't hate. God in me gives, He doesn't take. God in me is patient. Can I say that He is in me?
If He is not in me, I cannot love you. If I cannot love you, I talk of Him in vain. For my words will be empty for the lack of His changing power.
I don't need to worry about being kind to this person, because God who lives in my heart loves, He doesn't hate. How can I freely confess my love and devotion to Christ if my life doesn't reflect Him? Of course we all make mistakes, but I was so ready to purposely try to hurt this person.
So, I know God wants me to not only be kind, but to share His love with this person. Through Him I know that's possible, so thank you Lord! I love you and I know You love me. Help me share that love to ALL who I come into contact with in life.
If you all want to listen to the song I posted the video below. Beware they aren't traditional, but God sure used them to speak to me
(make sure to pause the music player at the bottom of the page first!)
Has your heart ever over flowed with so much excitement and joy that you feel you must shout out to the world? Well that's how I feel right now! I have some very, um, yucky errands to run tomorrow, some stressful situations and a toddler that cried for almost 90 minutes straight this morning. Yet, somehow my heart is over flowing with joy and hope. I can only attest it to Christ and His love.
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23
The Lord is good to those who hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.
Lamentation 3:25-26
Some days I feel like I am praying to a wall and feel at the brink of being consumed. Sometimes I become so frustrated at my family that everything in me wants to lash out and tell them all how I feel. But the thought in my mind is that I would rather patiently suffer than fail to please my God. Of course, I often do lash out, but I have been seeking God and asking the Holy Spirit to work through me. When I want to say something, I bite my lip and walk into the other room. Inward I feel a battle raging inside. Sometimes my flesh is so weak and and want to scream! I can actually feel the tears well up in my eyes I get so mad and it seems like a such a struggle to keep quite. But that's just it, the inward struggle is not just about not saying something, it's about not letting something consume your heart and holding on to hurt. I can keep my mouth shut, but letting it go can be so hard.
This has been my struggle. Through the help of the Holy Spirit I continue to pray and ask God to deliver the help. I pray that He would take my problems and take my troubles and make them something beautiful. Sometimes it doesn't seem to help. I still end up saying the wrong thing or can't help to let a hurtful look leave my face. I feel weak and lonely. But, I continue to seek God because I don't need to live my life on how I "feel."
But today, I woke up and and feel like a new creation. I feel so overcome with just ... JOY! I feel strong, confident, and ready to take on my little world. I feel God's presence and I know He is with me. WITH ME! He is just here for little ME! I know He always is, but I think that's why He let's you feel His presence so strong sometimes. So, those days when He doesn't feel close, you can think back to days like this when you feel Him holding your hand. That's what's going to be so great about heaven. You will always be in His presence.
I am also thrilled about the first "official" snowfall this morning! But more about that in the next post. :) Have a wonderful day everyone and be blessing to someone today :)